Abdullah at Risk After Losing Malaysian Supermajority (Update4)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

By Angus Whitley and Stephanie Phang

March 9 (Bloomberg) -- Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's hold on power in Malaysia is in doubt after the best performance in 50 years by an opposition that wants to scrap legalized preferences for the ethnic Malay majority, help the poor and battle corruption.

While the National Front ruling coalition kept control of the government after yesterday's election, it lost the two- thirds majority it has enjoyed in parliament -- a free hand that has helped it to consolidate power. Opposition parties led by a new multiracial party promising to fight poverty and graft won support from ethnic Indians and Chinese, as well as Malays.

``You can't lead a coalition that loses this badly and stay in power,'' said Ooi Kee Beng, an analyst at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ``He should resign. The coalition is in crisis because it can no longer claim it represents all the races.'' ... (more)

Quoted from http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aELdVQdNwQA0&refer=home


Paul Choo aka DrJackal aka dReamZchaS3r aka PC aka Shu Shu