Cleaning up bedroom

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

After mths of dusty bedroom due to bz schedule with studies...

so decided to move my kawaii gold fishes to my father fish tank LoL... hopefully won't get bullied by other big fishes. ='P

and tonight took around 4hours of cleaning up 3 fish tanks(and left 1 tank with fish only), garbage, tidy up computer desk and etc... guess what... all this stuffs is inside my room =.="

i can feel like my room temperature dropped from 31c to 24c (or is just my imagination lolz... because b4 cleaning up is evening after cleaning up is night HaaHaha! well... either way my room now much COOLER!!! ^^ )

Love my room better now... muack muackssSs xD


Ally OiNk OiNk~ said...

Cleaner room. Fresher air.
Better nose for u XD
Hopefully ur nose don't run
away that much after this =P

Paul Choo aka DrJackal aka dReamZchaS3r aka PC aka Shu Shu